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Roof Inspections
Determining the condition of the roof takes more than just a quick look. What seems to be fine on the outside might not be really protecting on the inside. Therefore, a roof inspection helps you know what is needed to protect the investment you have in your home. We advise that you do NOT go on to your roof.During a roof inspection, the following roof components are examined: Shingles, Flashing, Caulking, Valleys, Drainage, Chimneys, Ceilings, Pipe Vents
Home Insulation Inspection
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 42% of a homeowner’s utility bill is spent on heating and cooling costs. That number goes up drastically when a home is poorly insulated. Proper insulation can cut those costs by an average of 20%! If your home lacks the proper amount of insulation, or if your insulation is installed incorrectly, you can do severe damage to both your home and your bank account.
Richards & Swift Roofing offers inspections, for a small fee, as one of our services

Call today to schedule yours!
